10 Warning Signs Someone May Not Be a Good Person

It can be pretty hard to judge someone’s character, but there are most often obvious indications telling whether a person is good or not. Here are ten ways to tell if someone mightn’t be a good person.

1. Consistent Lying

One of the major characters defining a person would have to be the honesty aspect. If a person lies too much, even on small issues, then that certainly is an indication that the person is not someone whom one cannot trust or rely on. Honesty is an establishment of integrity, and a pattern of dishonesty erodes any relationship or interaction. The lies can range from white lies to significant fabrications; however, constant dishonesty wears out the trust needed in having a real connection with such a person.

2. Lack of Empathy

Empathy refers to the state or capacity of perceiving someone’s feelings, relating to, or empathizing with someone’s feelings. Not caring about other peoples’ emotions and experiences is a probable sign of a compassionateless person. Persons who are unable to put themselves in other people’s shoes lack compassion and are normally selfish. This kind of individual may look down on other people’s feelings, fail to help in times of need, or even take advantage of situations for their own benefit.

3. Manipulative Behavior

Manipulation entails the control of others in a sly or unscrupulous way. If he is manipulates situations or people all the time to bend things his own way, then it could be a red flag. This surely can be subtle, like guilt-tripping; or overt, clear co-option. People with a manipulative nature use others just like pawns to achieve and further their interest and show very little regard for the well-being or autonomy of those around them.

4. Disrespect to Others

Respect is the most fundamental value of any intercourse. The man who degrades others regularly with his devaluation, dismissive attitude and disrespectful behavior outlines his central defect in personality. Disrespect can always be labelled as a sign of arrogance or superiority complex. They degrade others, debase their achievements and ignore opinions, that make the atmosphere really unhealthy with regard to good communication that establishes mutual regard.

5. Chronic Negativity

While everyone has their bad days, Kendra had always thought there was a certain someone who could actually be toxic if his general outlook towards life was habitually negative. It may sound pretty unconvincing if somebody only ever sees the worst in situations, complains continuously about anything, or password negativity like it’s their own style. Chronic negativity can manifest as relentless pessimism, constant degrading of others, or being unable to enjoy positive experiences. Such a lifestyle not only has an impact on him but also creates an exhausting atmosphere around him.

6. Unreliability

Reliability is a part related to trust and stability. Any person who constantly breaks his or her word, doesn’t act in accordance with their commitments, or is generally unreliable, is projected to be irresponsible and disrespectful toward other people’s time. Dependability becomes one of the hallmarks of good character. Unreliable people will more often than not irritate and disappoint, disrespecting both time and needs of others. This behavior is conducive to losing one’s trust and creates much hassle in building large, long-term relationships.

7. Selfishness

Whereas taking care of oneself is important, excess self-centeredness is quite a problem. If a person manages to emphasize his needs and wants over others, this simply means that he is a person who does not have much balance and consideration for those surrounding him. The excess usually comes out in having no compromise or sensitivity toward the sentiments of other people. In dominating conversations, selfish people are unconcerned with other persons’ needs or make decisions that affect people around them in such a way that one-sided dynamics are created.

8. Vindictiveness

The good can let whatever is wrong go; vindictiveness enables the shaping of grudges and a notion to take revenge. If someone is often trying to get even with others over perceived slights, then, most likely, it showcases immaturity and inability to handle conflict in a healthy way. Vindictive people act with the intention of making others who, according to them, have wronged them feel awful or hurt. They thereby continue cycles of negativity and strife. This sort of behavior simply undermines resolution and reconciliation and makes it supremely difficult to build healthy relations.

9. Inability to Accept Responsibility

Accountability is highly instrumental in the development of an individual and building healthy relations. If he continues to shirk responsibility and always passes on the fault onto others for the wrong deeds he does, or one always comes up with excuses, it is a pretty bad attribute that reflects on the integrity and maturity levels. Those who shun responsibility point fingers, blaming others instead; this means it becomes difficult to outline problems and solve them constructively. The results of such behavior thus become perplexing to personal growth and damaging to trust, where one might feel unassisted and unfairly criticized.

10. Value Inconsistency

A good person will have a mix of a few high-order values that will immaculately be reflected in his or her acts. Hence, if someone’s acts frequently contradict their stated beliefs and values, then it reflects a lack of genuineness and reliability. Value inconsistency can further manifest into unpredictable and harmful behavior. People who constantly say one thing but do another might have problems in the integrity department and may leave others in a lurch of confusion and distrust. Inconsistency breeds distrust, with others starting to question their real intentions and commitment. From here, a base of a stable and straightforward relationship cannot be established.

Also read: 18 Habits Happy People Avoid in Relationships


You could use such signs to navigate through relationships and interactions. While everybody has flaws and bad days, consistent patterns of these negative behaviors tell you that a person is really not good. Keep your well-being at the forefront by looking out for such red flags, and trust your instincts. Relations with positive trait holders will bring in healthier and more satisfying interactions. If one is able to key into things such as trust, empathy, and mutual respect, he should be able to forge healthy bonds of relationships and enriching relationships.

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